
1777 – upper portion of upstate NY secedes
1791- seceded portion becomes the State of Vermont
1962 and 1964 – precedent of “one man, one vote” established
2013 – Stephan Hawley introduces a bill that would allow each NYS county to provide feedback for possible secession

Currently, there are various groups calling for upstate secession, with various amounts of cohesion. Upstate New Yorkers claim that they have been adversely affected by policies created by New York City politicians, causing them economic and social hardship. Some have called for New York State to be split up into New York (downstate) and New Amsterdam (upstate). One of the largest disputes among various secession groups is where to classify upstate and downstate. Some say the southern border of New Amsterdam should stretch horizontally from Pennsylvania, while others say that New Amsterdam should encompass everything except Long Island and the NYC Metro Area. The biggest actors currently are:, UpstateNYSecede, State Senator Joseph Robach, and Assemblyman Stephan Hawley.

While the upstate New York secessionist movement is not based on ethnic identity, upstate New Yorkers share a cultural identity based on shared history as well as political, economic, and demographic factors. Upstate New Yorkers generally also share political and economic interests, which provides both cultural unity within upstate as well as significant reasons to break away from downstate. Upstate tends to be a blend of conservatives and moderate liberals. Also, Upstate New Yorkers share certain economic concerns, such as the loss of manufacturing jobs and the flight of businesses that once were central to upstate New York’s economy. Upstate New Yorkers in favor of secession believe that NYC, which is more liberal and has economic interests that are quite distinct from those of upstate, has too much influence in Albany. They argue that this negatively affects upstate, particularly by pushing a more liberal agenda and passing regulations that are driving business out of upstate, resulting in decreasing economic opportunity and freedom. The strategy of upstate New York secessionists is mainly based around amending the NYS Constitution. To do this, the proposal for a NYS Constitutional Convention on the 2017 ballot would need to be passed, and delegates who will support the amendment that would split New York into two different states would have to be elected.

Project Contract

Mission Statement and Goals

In our project, we are tracking the upstate New York secession movement, from the founding of New York State to the present. We are hoping to provide a comprehensive, easily navigated, website that would consolidate information about various upstate NY secessionist groups and their motivators.

We will start by looking at the history of upstate NY secession, by looking briefly at the Vermont secession. Then we will proceed to making a timeline about the movement and tracking it through history. We will focus a lot on the specific grievances presented by upstate NY secessionists and how they evolved over time, specifically since we are dealing with a movement that related to politico-economic grievances. We will end by looking at the current status of the movement, putting emphasis on the various groups currently engaged in upstate secession activism and the legislators in the NYS assembly and senate with upstate NY secession on their agendas. Finally, we will look at the future of the NYS secession movement by researching the upcoming NYS constitutional convention and efforts made by secessionist groups to influence constitution writing.

Our goals are primarily to consolidate information on one database, since there are currently many web pages, news articles, and social media pages dedicated to various upstate NY secession movements. We are trying to feature a hyperlink heavy site that will lead our readers to the original page of ongoing secessionist movements. Colloquially, we are trying to be the Wikipedia of upstate-NY secession research. Our audience will be primarily college students in this course, our professors, and future employers who might want an example our our technical skills. We will also try to make our site accessible to those looking for research about upstate secession and activists hoping to find information and link up to groups using our page.

Basic Site Structure and Intended Features

Our site will consist of multiple sections with different focuses. We will have a homepage with a brief overview and pictures. There will also be an “about us” section where we talk about the class and ourselves. A page or section will be devoted to the history of the movement, including the Vermont secession, relevant court cases, and relevant past legislation. This may be where we put a timeline of events. There will be another section to address more current aspects of the movement. This will include pages on individual actors, group actors, legislation, and strategy.


For our WordPress site, we will use one of the themes that readily displays pages and subpages. We plan on incorporating interactive elements into our website, including a timeline and a map. For the timeline, we will use TimelineJS. For the map, we will use StorymapJS and/or GIS. We will use Canva graphic design software to edit images. If we get a chance to do a formal interview with legislators involved in the movement, we may use some kind of audio editing; however, this is very conditional.


  • February 13th – initial visit to Livingston County Historical Society for inquiry regarding possible information about upstate secession  (Maria)
  • February 17th – reach out to several key legislators who have sponsored bills regarding upstate NY secession in the past (Maria)
  • February 18th – Website map, homepage, and about us page (Rachel)
  • February 24th – meet in person again and go over contract edits (Rachel + Maria)
  • February 27th – first draft of timeline (Maria) and storymap (Rachel)
  • March 1st – final contract due
  • March 6th – Revised timeline and storymap, and bibliography of secondary materials to be consulted (Maria + Rachel)
  • March 10th – March 19th – Work on individual pages (to be decided and divided up at a later time)
  • March 23rd – meet and go over website draft (Rachel + Maria)
  • March 27th – first draft of website due
  • March 27th – April 24th – meet weekly to consolidate individual progress
  • April 24th – website must be completed (Rachel + Maria)
  • April 25th – GREAT Day presentation