Bibliography #1

1. Allen, Ira. The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont. Reprint. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969.

2. Bellesiles J. Michael. “The Establishment of Legal Structures on the Frontier: The Case of Revolutionary Vermont,” The Journal of American History Vol 73, No. 4 (March 1987): pp. 895-915, accessed March 5, 2017,

3. Constitution of Vermont, July 8, 1777. Accessed March 5, 2017,

4. Onuf, S. Peter. “State-Making in Revolutionary America: Independent Vermont as a Case Study,” The Journal of American History Vol. 67, No. 4 (March 1981): pp. 797-815, accessed March 5, 2017,

5. Randall, S. Willard. Ethan Allen: His Life and Times. New York City: Norton, W.W. & Company, Inc., 2011.

6. Van de Water, F. Frederic. The Reluctant Republic: Vermont, 1724-1791. New York: John Day Company, 1941.

7. Williams, Samuel. The Natural and Civil History of Vermont. 2nd ed. Burlington: Samuel Mills, 1794.

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