Check in

We still have to make some of the changes from Wednesday’s class (4/12), including separating the right sidebar so it looks cleaner and creating a better Intro page.  It was Easter weekend, so we did not get much done since Friday, I have been home to see my family. Thursday and Friday we did work […]

3/29, Update Post

Nate and I have been reading through the books that we have collected such as History of Vermont by Ira Allen and others that cover more specific topics. The Ira Allen book is a primary source and a wealth of information for us. We are also getting along okay with the Vermont History Journals (from […]

Spring Break Research

Sources found: 1) Benning Wentworth’s Claims in the New Hampshire-New York Border Controversy: A case of Twenty-Twenty Hindsight? (1975) By: Allan R. Raymond This source secondary source explores the New Hampshire-New York border controversy through a contemporary point of view. The author claims that many look at the controversy through a modern perspective, letting Wentworth’s […]

COPLAC Final Contract

Anthony Mastrantonio Nate Schnittman COPLAC, UIS Contract 3/19/2017 Mission Statement When looking at our audience, we wish to cater to undergraduate students, our website will be a jumping off point for further research into Vermont secession. Accessibility is key to our initial planning, we want our visitors to get a comprehensive view of the Vermont […]

Bibliography #1

1. Allen, Ira. The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont. Reprint. Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1969. 2. Bellesiles J. Michael. “The Establishment of Legal Structures on the Frontier: The Case of Revolutionary Vermont,” The Journal of American History Vol 73, No. 4 (March 1987): pp. 895-915, accessed March 5, 2017, […]