Website Layout Kinks

Last week, Abi and I had our weekly meeting to discuss the progress of our website. We updated our project contract to reflect the inability to make it to the archives over Spring Break. I think we are in a good place with the site as it is. We discussed adding in a new page titled “Political Profiles” (the name might change) to help visitors map out the changing political atmosphere so that they may better understand the shifts in views during this time. We also decided to break up the “Events” page listed under “Events.” I think it makes more sense to split it so that the secession of Virginia is not confused with the secession of West Virginia. I also thought that it would be too text heavy of a page and it would be too long. I wasn’t sure people would make it to the end of the page. Because of the split, I’ll have to re-do my timeline and split it into two different timelines for each respective page. I’m using the timeline as an overview/interactive visual at the top of the page so that viewers will have a general understanding of the events that took place so that when they scroll down they will be given more detail of each specified event in the timeline presented above.

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