Kodey Springate and Jonas Chang’s Contract 1st Draft

Kodey Springate and Jonas Chang

Divided Houses Project Contract

February 11, 2017

Project Site: http://divided.coplacdigital.org/truman/


Mission Statement


  • The goal of this project is to make the cultural, political, and economic aspects of Territory of McDonald secessionist movement, a little known part of Missouri history, accessible in a user-friendly site. Because there are very few resources available concerning this movement, particularly scholarly sources, we would like to make this site publicly oriented accessible. In this way, the site would be available for anyone to use, but still provide resources useful for other researchers.
  • The structure of our site will be this: there will be a homepage that will include a picture of some of the secessionists, a brief summary of the site, and the content of the site. A timeline may be included on this page. The picture will run along the top of the site, edged on the bottom of the picture will be links to the other pages. The other pages will include The Decade Before, which will discuss economic, political, and cultural tensions within the county before the secession; The Family Vacationland Crisis, Secession, and Reconciliation. Each page will include text information and photographs. Each page may also include videos of oral history, though a separate page may contain the oral histories of the movement.
  • General elements will include newspaper articles from the time period under study. We may also include videos or transcripts from news shows as well. Tentatively, we hope to include oral histories acquired by us from people who lived through the secessionist movement, which will either have their own page or be dispersed throughout the website where relevant.


Tools We Plan to Use


  • As of now, we do not know which WordPress theme we will be using and, as such, we do not know what plugins or layouts we will be using.
  • If we include a timeline on the main page we will be using a timeline tool, perhaps JSTimeline.
  • We do not know which tools we will be using, but we will need tools to work with images,videos, and potentially audio files, possibly Camtasia Studio.


Schedule of Milestones

February 17- Kodey will have scheduled a meeting with Janet Romine by this point.

March 13-17- Jonas will go to the McDonald County Historical Society to visit the archives and record oral histories

-Kodey will go to Jefferson City to check out the Missouri State Archives


March 31- Have first draft of website ready to go


Who Will Do What



  • Schedule a meeting with Janet Romine to look through the Truman archives to see if there are any documents easily accessible.
  • Get into contact with and visit the Missouri State Archives in Jefferson City



  • Visit the archives at the McDonald County Historical Society
  • Attempt to schedule, lead, and record oral histories from McDonald County citizens who lived through the secessionist movement

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