About Us
Olivia Barrett is a senior undergraduate at Shepherd University. She is majoring in English literature and minoring in Spanish. Some of her research interests include feminist literature, American literature, and poetry. She was initially drawn to this project through her interest in giving voices to marginalized groups in history, as well as her interest in the feminist and LGBTQ+ movement. Upon graduation, she plans to pursue a career in technical writing or editing, with the intention of attending graduate school in the future.
Claire Tryon is a junior undergraduate at Shepherd University and is pursuing a degree in History with a minor in Gender and Women’s Studies. Her research interests include women’s history and Appalachian history. She wanted to study the Furies to broaden her understanding of the second wave feminist movement, the struggles of LGBTQ+ for rights and a voice, and an interest in the lives of the women involved in the collective. After graduating Claire intends on applying to the Peace Corps and to eventually go to graduate school.
COPLAC Digital is a Mellon grant funded program which promotes intercollegiate interaction, interdisciplinary studies, and the acquisition of digital skills. This particular class of the program examines secessionist and separatist movements, particularly, the characteristics that define them, and how the differences and similarities of those characteristics depending on the type of secessionist or separatist movement it is.