The Semester Ahead

Professor Mathews and I are really looking forward to teaching this class in the coming semester. We’re in the process of finishing preparations, and pretty soon you should have all the materials you need to prepare for class available through this site.

The syllabus, and a link to a schedule of assignment deadlines, is available using the ‘Syllabus’ heading at the top of the page. Readings will shortly be made available using the ‘Readings’ tab – please check your email for the password to access the PDF files. If you have any questions, please email me or Professor Mathews.

The other information you should have received recently is a link for setting up your course blog. You’ll note, from the schedule of assignments, that there will be a number of blog posts due in the early weeks of the semester. So if you’re having any difficulty setting up your course blog, please let me or Professor Mathews know.

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