Common Themes

Thanks for such productive discussions and questions this week, everyone. As I mentioned on Monday, I think that there are several relatively obvious themes overlapping between your projects, and a couple of topics that you could all usefully incorporate more into your project proposals/contracts as you start to get them finalized.

To turn this into a quick list, firstly with the themes that came up in class discussion:

  • Self-government and governmental control
  • Inclusion or exclusion under the law
  • Access to and control of natural resources
  • Economic opportunity
  • Cultural identity
  • Relations with the federal government

Areas that you might like to focus particular research, as a means of adding more wide interest to your website projects:

  • Individual leaders
    • Where did they come from?
    • Why did they identify with their movement?
    • How long/how intensely did their involvement last?
  • Iconography of the movement
  • Geographical dimensions and claims

I’m really looking forward to seeing you flesh out the projects as you develop your contracts – do remember to check out to see what previous project contracts have looked like. Best of luck!

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