Welcome to McDonald Territory!

A site dedicated to understanding an obscure event in Missouri history and the place of secession in American society.

Welcome to McDonald Territory!

A site dedicated to understanding an obscure event in Missouri history and the place of secession in American society.

Welcome to McDonald Territory!

A site dedicated to understanding an obscure event in Missouri history and the place of secession in American society.
Where in the World is McDonald County, Missouri?

Where in the World is McDonald County, Missouri?

Come see where all the action took place!
So When Exactly Did All of this Happen?

So When Exactly Did All of this Happen?

Click here to learn when the major events of the McDonald Secessionist Movement happened.
Why Secession?

Why Secession?

Follow this link to start learning about why McDonald County declared itself an independent territory.
We hope you have fun learning about a brief, but fascinating part of Missouri history. As you explore the site, keep in mind a few questions:
What would drive a community to demand secession?
What resources are necessary for a secessionist movement to succeed?
Does secession have to necessarily be the goal of a secessionist movement?

We hope that the website will encourage you to think about these questions and more. In the above left column is an interactive map that will help introduce you to the locations of major events. The above center column will provide a brief timeline of events. Once you've become familiar with McDonald Territory and are ready to really delve into the history of the movement, click on the third column or follow any of the tabs at the top of the page. Have fun!